Sunday, June 5, 2011

Growing too fast!

Bubble Princess!!!

Doing her morning tummy time.

My Princess is almost 4 months old!!! This getting older thing is saddening when it concerns your babies! Today she started swatting at her toys...I admit, a tear escaped my eye. She just looked like such a big girl grabbing her toy keys, not my little, helpless, needy baby!! We go to the pediatrician Thursday for her four month check up and shots. She takes shots like a little champ. I can't wait to see how much she weighs. My guess is 12 lbs, 10 oz. We will see if I'm right!

Caelyn has begun rolling from stomach to back, but only occasionally. She has done it maybe 10 times since about 8 weeks old. When doing tummy time, she lifts her chest and legs so high, it looks like she is balancing on her belly button! It's so cute.

She coos and talks and babbles all the time now. When I'm doing a little cleaning around the house, I usually put her in her swing or lay her on a blanket on the living room floor. I will hear her from the kitchen or bathroom just babbling away at that silly ol ceiling fan or the shadows on the wall. She loves it when we talk back to her. She smiles so much now. Today we were at Baby's R Us, and I was pushing her in her stroller, she was sitting in her car seat facing me. I happened to look down at her and she had the biggest, slobbery, bubbly grin on her face. I wasn't even smiling, talking, or looking at her, and she was smiling at me. It melts my heart.

We finally scheduled her heart surgery: July 26. The day cannot come fast enough. I just want my baby's heart healthy and perfect, and not have to worry about her oxygen levels anymore. That is constantly nagging me in the back of my mind, and sometimes I notice how blue her lips/feet/hands are. I borrowed a stethascope from my mom yesterday (she is an LPN) so I can listen to Caelyn's heart anytime I want. Her heart sounds like "woosh-woosh...woosh-woosh" instead of "thump-thump...thump-thump" like a healthy, normal heart.

We are going to go hang out with a friend at the pool this week. Caelyn has never been swimming. She loves bathtime, so hopefully she will love the pool. Her bathing suit is huge on her, but she still looks cute. I havent had any luck finding any bathing suits in size 0-3 months! So I bought a 3-6 month size, and it's a little big.

My sweet baby is growing up too fast. Soon she will be crawling and talking! I love her so much!

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